Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Book Promotion

How does an author - an unknown at that - promotes her book in a sea of millions?

Social media, which I'm slowly accepting, albeit reluctantly, can be an effective tool.  Book reviews, I have been told, can also be quite helpful.  But what I have found most enjoyable is the personal contact with readers.  Perhaps, it's a reflection of my generation, but I believe the personal contact is better both for the author and readers.

Readers enjoy meeting the author and have their copy personally autographed.  It provides a time for a few questions/comments taking the reader to another time and place, to hear something new, to be entertained, to take something away, and a number of other reasons.

For the author, it's a complement and humbling that the reader is interested in my story.  I'm curious too, in their comments and questions, their point of view.

This active engagement is what is enjoyable.

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